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iBelieve Connect


Are you a new believer? If you have recently declared your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, this is for you. These sessions are aimed at helping you to understand better the decision you have made, and to lay a foundation upon which you can build a true and a living relationship with God. Have you rededicated your life to Jesus? Well done, these sessions will help you to rekindle the fire that was once in you, and to revive your relationship with God. There will be six sessions in total. Now that you have declared your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the bible is very clear that you are now a child of God. The fact however is that you need to now start a journey of developing a true and a living relationship with God who is now your Father. God does not want you to relate with Him in a religious manner but He wants you to know Him. This is the aim of these sessions and we trust that they will be a blessing to you. Each session start with a video that is followed by a few questions. We encourage you to watch the video from start to end in an environment that allows you to pay attention and take note of the things that the Holy Spirit will emphasize in your heart.

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